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adosnounpl. of ado a state of noisy, confused activitya bride-to-be caught up in the usual prenuptial ado alarums and excursions, ballyhoos, blathers, bluster, bobberies, bothers, bustles, clatters, clutters(chiefly dialect), coils, commotions, corroborees(Australian), disturbances, dos(or do's, chiefly dialect), foofaraws, fun, furores, furors, fusses, helter-skelters, hoo-has(also hoo-hahs), hooplas, hubble-bubbles, hubbubs, hullabaloos, hurlies, hurly-burlies, hurricanes, hurry-scurries(or hurry-skurries), kerfuffles(chiefly British), moils, pandemoniums, pothers, rows, ruckuses, ructions, rumpuses, shindys(or shindies), splores(Scottish), squalls, stews, stirs, storms, to-dos, tumults, turmoils, uproars, welters, whirls, williwaws, zoos cacophonies, clamors, dins, howls, hue and cries, noises, outcries, rackets, roarsdisorders, upheavalseruptions, flare-ups, flurries, flutters, outbreaks, outburstsbrawls, fracases(or British fracas), frays, hassles, melees(also mêlées), scufflesdithers, fevers, frets, lathers, tizzies calms, hushes, peaces, quiets, quietudes, rests, tranquillities(or tranquilities)orders |