例句 |
advancementnoun a raising or a state of being raised to a higher rank or positionthe young man's rapid advancement in the company came as no surprise to those who knew he was the president's nephew ascent, creation, elevation, preference, preferment, promotion, rise, upgrade, upgrading aggrandizement, ennoblement, exaltation, glorification, magnification abasement, comedown, degradation, demotion, disrating, downgrade, reduction deposition, dethronement, discharge, dismissal, expulsion, impeachment, ouster, overthrow, removal, suspension, unmaking, unseatingdownfall, fall an instance of notable progress in the development of knowledge, technology, or skillscience has made huge advancements in the field of genetics in recent years advance, breakthrough, enhancement, improvement, refinement quantum leapamelioration, boost, heightening, increase, melioration, strengthening, upgrade, uplift, upswing, uptrend, upturnbetterment, development, elaboration, evolution, expansion, gestation, growth, maturation, perfection, ripeningcivilization, edification, education, enlightenmentrenaissance, renascence, revivaldiscovery, find, windfallinnovation, invention setback breakdown, collapse, crashhindrance, impediment, stumbling blockdecadence, decay, declension, decline, decrease, degeneration, descent, deterioration, diminishment, downgrade, ebbing, failing, flagging, languishment, lapse, lessening, reduction, sinking, slowing, weakening, worseningdetriment, disablement, drawback, glitch, impairment, shortcoming forward movement in time or placewondered why we hadn't made any advancement in the long checkout line for at least 10 minutes advance, furtherance, going, headway, march, onrush, passage, process, procession, progress, progression current, drift, flow, flux, stream, wayadvent, approach, arrival, coming, nearingbound, jump, leap, step, strideimpetus, momentum recess, recession, regress, regression, retreat, retrogression backwash, ebb, refluxretraction, return, reversal, reverseabout-face, turnabout, turnaround in the 15th century |