例句 |
emulsionsnounpl. of emulsion a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different thingsmilk is basically an oil-in-water emulsion admixtures, alloys, amalgamations, amalgams, blends, cocktails, combinations, composites, compounds, conflations, fusions, intermixtures, melds, mixes, mixtures, syntheses half-and-halfsabsorptions, coalescences, coalitions, commixtures, composts, concretions, homogenizations, immixtures, incorporations, integrations, interfusions, mergences, mergersassortments, hashes, hodgepodges, hotchpotches, jumbles, medleys, mélanges, mishmashes, motleys, patchworks, potpourris, varietiesaccumulations, aggregations, conglomerations components, constituents, elements, ingredients |