例句 |
feudsnounpl. of feud a long and angry conflict between two people or two groupsThe workers' feud with management concerns health benefits and pay increases. Because of a family feud, they did not see each other for a decade. vendettasaltercations, argle-bargles(chiefly British), arguments, argy-bargies(chiefly British), battles royal(or battle royals or battles royale or battle royales), bickers, brawls, contretemps, controversies, cross fires, disagreements, disputes, donnybrooks, fallings-out(or falling-outs), fights, hassles, imbroglios, kickups, misunderstandings, quarrels, rhubarbs, rows, scraps, set-tos, spats, squabbles, tiffs, wranglesclashes, run-ins, skirmishes, tangles, tussleslogomachiesattacks, contentions, dissensions(also dissentions)debates, differences, disputationsfusses, objections, protestations, protestsaffrays(chiefly British), fisticuffs, fracases(or British fracas), frays, free-for-alls, melees(also mêlées)catfights |