

单词 lots
例句 lotsnounpl. of lot

a small piece of land that is developed or available for developmentthe softball team often plays in the vacant lot down at the end of the street

parcels, plats, plots, properties, tracts

patchesfrontagesleasesdevelopmentsreal estates

a considerable amountyou'll need to do a lot of studying for the testyou sure bought a lot of clothing

abundances, barrels, basketfuls(also basketsful), boatloads, buckets, bunches, bundles, bushels, carloads, chunks, deals, dozens(or dozen), fistfuls, gobs, good deals, heaps, hundreds(or hundred), lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, masses, messes, mountains, much, multiplicities, myriads, oodles, packs, passels, pecks, piles, platefuls, plenitudes, plenties, plentitudes, potfuls, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, reams, scads, sheaves, shiploads, sights, slews, spates, stacks, stores, tons, truckloads, volumes, wads, wealths, yards

epidemics, plagues, rashesbonanzas, embarrassments, excesses, overabundances, overages, overkills, overmuch, oversupplies, plethoras, redundancies, superabundances, superfluities, surfeits, surplusesdeluges, floods, overflowsarmies, bevies, crams, crowds, crushes, droves, flocks, herds, hordes, hosts, legions, mobs, multitudes, presses, scores, seas, swarms, throngsgazillions, jillions, kazillions, millions(or million), thousands, trillions, zillions

all kinds (of), quite a bit

aces, bits, dabs, drams, driblets, glimmers, handfuls(also handsful), hints, licks, little, mites, mouthfuls, nips, ounces, peanuts, pinches, pittances, scruples, shades, shadows, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), specks, spots, sprinkles, sprinklings, strains, streaks, suspicions, tastes, touches, traces

atoms, crumbs, dots, flecks, flyspecks, fragments, grains, granules, iotas, jots, modicums, molecules, motes, nubbins, particles, rays, scintillas, scraps, shreds, tittles, whitssmatterings, smattersdashes, drops, morsels, shotspieces, portions, sectionsabsences, dearths, famines, lacks, paucities, poverties, scarcities, shortages, undersupplies, wantsdeficiencies, deficits, inadequacies, insufficiencies

a small area of usually open landthere were still plenty of Christmas trees available for sale in the lot

clearings, fields, grounds, parcels, plats, plots, tracts

commons, crofts(chiefly British)grasses, green, greenswards, lawnsglades, grasslands, heathlands, heaths, leas(or leys), meadows, moors, pasturelands, pastures

a number of things considered as a unitthe auctioneer next introduced a lot containing several pieces of fine china

arrays, assemblages, bands, banks, batches, batteries, blocks, bunches, clots, clumps, clusters, clutches, collections, constellations, groupings, groups, huddles, knots, musters, packages, parcels, passels, sets, suites

accumulations, aggregates, aggregations, conglomerationsagglomerations, assortments, hodgepodges, jumbles, miscellanies, mixtures, odds and ends, sundries, varietiescycles, runs, series, suits

the whole kit and caboodle

entities, items, singles, units

a state or end that seemingly has been decided beforehandwill it always be my lot to be picked last in gym class?

circumstances, destinies, dooms, fates, fortunes, kismets, portions

accidents, casualties(archaic), chances, happenchances, happenstances, haps, hazards, luckpredestinationsaftereffects, aftermaths, conclusions, consequences, developments, effects, fruits, issues, outcomes, outgrowths, resultants, results, sequels, sequences, upshots

a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together sociallyyou should stop hanging out with that lot, or you'll end up in trouble

bodies, bunches, circles, clans, cliques, communities, coteries, covens, crowds, folds, galères, gangs, klatches(also klatsches), networks, packs, rings, sets

charmed circles, elites, in-groupsclosed shopsclubs, colleges, fellowships, guilds(also gilds), leagues, organizations, societiescamps, factions, sects, sides, tribesmesses, squadsbrotherhoods, fraternities, orders, sisterhoods, sodalities, sororitiescommunesalliances, blocs, coalitions, confederations, congresses, councils, federations, unions


a usually small number of persons considered as a unitthe school has a very strong science department, because there's not one bad teacher in the lot

arrays, bands, batches, batteries, bodies, boodles, bunches, clusters, clutches, consorts, constellations, crops, groupings, groups, huddles, knots, parcels, parties, passels

assemblies, collectives, congregations, gatherings, musters, organizationscircles, clans, cliques, coteries, fellowships, gangs, rings, rounds, setsfactions, guilds(also gilds), orders, schools, sectsbrigades, crews, outfits, phalanxes(or phalanges), platoons, posses, task forces, teamsalliances, blocs, coalitions, confederacies, confederations, federations, leagues, unionsbattalions, squadronsbevies, broods, coveys

the whole kit and caboodle

individuals, singles

lotsverbpresent tense third-person singular of lot

to give as a share or portioneveryone is lotted opportunities in life, and it's their responsibility to take them

allocates, allots, allows, apportions, assigns, distributes, rations

admeasures, administers, deals, dispenses, divides, doles out, hands out, measures, meters, metes (out), parcels (out), parts, portions, prorates, shares (out), splitsaccords, awards, gives, grantsearmarks, reserveschips in, contributes, donatesreallocates, reapportions, reassigns, redistributes

begrudges, denies, deprives (of)keeps, retains, stints, withholdsappropriates, arrogates, confiscates

in 1839





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