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louse upverb to make a mistakeeverything is riding on this project, so we can't afford to louse up blunder, boob(British), err, flub, fluff, foul up, fumble, goof (up), mess (up), screw up, slip up, stumble, trip nodbobble, botch, bungle, butcher, foozle, mangle, mishandle, muff, murdermiscalculate, misconceive, miscount, miscue, misdeem, misgauge, misjudge, mistakemisconstrue, misinterpret, misunderstand drop the ball, lay an egg to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful wayI loused up the wallpapering job in the bedroom—the seams show too much blow, bobble, boggle, bollix (up), boot, botch, bugger (up), bumble, bungle, butcher, dub, flub, fluff, foozle, foul up, fumble, goof (up), mangle, mess (up), muck up, muff, murder, screw up blunder, gum (up), muddle, piffleblemish, blight, damage, flaw, harm, hurt, impair, injure, mar, mutilate, ruin, spoil, vitiatedestroy, wreckmishandle, mismanage ameliorate, better, enhance, help, improve, meliorate, rectify, refine, reform, remedydoctor, fix, patch, recondition, renovate, repair, revamp in 1934 |