例句 |
advicenoun an opinion suggesting a wise or proper course of actionwe got some good advice from the vet about dealing with our dog's habit of chasing cars adjuration, admonishment, admonition, counsel, guidance, input recommendation, suggestionhint, pointer, tipdata, feedback, informationanswer, solutionadvisement, consideration, thoughtalarm(also alarum), alert, caution, cautioning, expostulation, forewarning, remonstrance, remonstration, urging, warningjudgment(or judgement), observation, verdictassistance, briefing, coaching, direction, instruction, mentoring, priming, prompting, teaching, tutoringinterference, kibitzing(also kibbitzing), meddlingmoralizing, pontificating, preachingexhortation, lecture, lesson, sermon, speech usually advices pl.a report of recent events or facts not previously knownhad advices that the city could hold out against an invasion force for at most a week 411(slang), gen(chiefly British), info, information, intelligence, item, news, story, tidings, uncos(chiefly Scottish), word announcement, bulletin, communication, correspondence, dispatch, message, reportagedope, lowdown, scoop, tidbit(also titbit), tipgossip, rumor, tale, tattlefeedbackdisinformation, propaganda in the 14th century |