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againadverb yet another timenow I have to mop the floor again because you didn't wipe your feet afresh, anew, de novo, over always, consistently, constantly, continuously, endlessly, ever, evermore, forever, incessantly, invariably, perpetually, unfailinglycontinually, frequently, oft, often, oftentimes(or ofttimes)recurrently, repeatedlyfreshly, newly nevermore ne'er, neverinfrequently, little, rarely, seldom, unusuallyintermittently, occasionally, periodically, sometimes, sporadically in addition to what has been saida green pillow will go fine with my living room; again, the best colors are blues and greens additionally, also, besides, either, further, furthermore, likewise, more, moreover, then, too, withal, yet as well, for good measure, in addition to, into the bargain(also in the bargain), on top of, to boot, what's more just the opposite being trueI might take swimming lessons this summer; then again, I might not contrarily, contrariwise, conversely if anything, on the contrary, to the contrary even, indeed, nay, true, truly, verily, yea in the 13th century |