例句 |
engagementnoun the act or state of being engaged to be marriedthe fun couple recently announced their engagement an agreement to be present at a specified time and placea lifelong practice of marking all of my engagements on a weekly calendar appointment, assignation, date, rendezvous, tryst arrangementinvitationinterviewget-together, meetingcall, visitschedule the state of being provided with a paying jobhis engagement as a caddie at the golf club was his first work experience employ, employment, hire appointment, assignment, conscription, enlistment, recruitmentincumbency, tenureoccupation, place, position, post, situation, work joblessness, nonemployment, unemployment boot, discharge, dismissal, firing, removal, sack, severancedemotion, suspensionfurlough, layoff, leave, liberty, retirement in 1601 |