例句 |
enlargesverbpresent tense third-person singular of enlarge to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or numberas the number of people with cell phones enlarges, more transmission towers will have to be built accelerates, accumulates, appreciates, balloons, booms, builds up, burgeons(also bourgeons), climbs, escalates, expands, gains, increases, mounts, multiplies, mushrooms, proliferates, rises, rolls up, snowballs, spreads, swells, waxes jumps, rockets, skyrockets, surgesheightens, intensifies, redoublesblows up, bulks, distends, inflates, puffs (up)crescendoes, crests, peaks contracts, decreases, diminishes, dwindles, lessens, recedes, wanes to make greater in size, amount, or numberwith a new member of the family on the way, maybe we should consider enlarging the house accelerates, adds (to), aggrandizes, amplifies, augments, boosts, builds up, compounds, escalates, expands, extends, hypes, increases, multiplies, pumps up, raises, stokes, supersizes, swells, ups booms, jumps, skyrockets, spikesbumps (up), ratchets (up)also rachets (up)blows up, dilates, distends, inflatesdraws out, elongates, fleshes (out), lengthens, prolongs, protracts, stretchesdevelops, enhances, heightens, intensifies, magnifiescomplements, supplementsbeefs (up), reinforces(also reenforces), strengthensmaximizesaccumulates, amasses, collectsfollows up, parlays abates, decreases, de-escalates, diminishes, downsizes, dwindles, lessens, lowers, minifies, reduces, subtracts (from) abbreviates, abridges, curtails, shortenscompresses, condenses, constricts, contractscuts back, retrenches to set free (as from slavery or confinement)like a wild animal enlarged from a leghold trap, the freed prisoner raced about discharges, disenthralls(also disenthrals), emancipates, enfranchises, frees, liberates, loosens, looses, manumits, releases, springs, unbinds, uncages, unchains, unfetters bails (out), delivers, paroles, ransoms, redeems, rescues, savesdisembarrasses, disencumbers, disengages, disentangles, extricatesunshackles turns loose binds, confines, enchains, fetters, restrains handcuffs, manacles, shackles, trammelscommits, immures, imprisons, incarcerates, interns, jails, locks (up)conquers, enslaves, subdues, subjugates |