例句 |
entertainmentsnounpl. of entertainment the act or activity of providing pleasure or amusement especially for the publicwe didn't stay for the featured entertainment because we don't care for comedy acts the film is purely for entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously amusements, distractions, diversions, recreations nightlifes(or nightlives)delectations, delights, enjoyments, joys, mirthsgratifications, relaxations, reliefs, satisfactionsexhibitions, performances, presentations, presentments, productions, shows, spectaclesescapisms someone or something that provides amusement or enjoymentwhat do you do for entertainment in this town? delights, distractions, diversions, divertissements, fun, pleasures, recreations escapes, pastimes, time killersbinges, flings, frolics, gambols, larks, revels, rollicks, romps, spreesconvivialities, festivities, gaieties(also gayeties), hilarities, jollifications, jollities, merrymakings, revelings(or revellings), revelries, whoopeespicnicslaughs, riots, screamsactivities, games bores, bummers, downers, drags killjoys, party poopers |