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envisageverb to form a mental picture ofI'm trying to envisage you on a surfboard conceit(chiefly dialect), conceive, conjure (up), dream, envision, fancy, fantasize, fantasy, feature, ideate, image, imagine, picture, see, vision, visualize daydream, stargazehallucinatere-create, reflect, relive, reminiscecontemplate, meditate, muse, ponder, ruminateconcoct, fabricate, invent, make up, manufacture, plan, projectforesee, prefigure think, conceive, imagine, fancy, realize, envisage, envision mean to form an idea of.think implies the entrance of an idea into one's mind with or without deliberate consideration or reflection.I just thought of a good joke conceive suggests the forming and bringing forth and usually developing of an idea, plan, or design.conceived of a new marketing approach imagine stresses a visualization.imagine you're at the beach fancy suggests an imagining often unrestrained by reality but spurred by desires.fancied himself a super athlete realize stresses a grasping of the significance of what is conceived or imagined.realized the enormity of the task ahead envisage and envision imply a conceiving or imagining that is especially clear or detailed.envisaged a totally computerized operation envisioned a cure for the disease in 1660 |