例句 |
tip-topsnounpl. of tip-top the highest part or pointthis trail will take you to the fire tower at the tip-top of that hill acmes, apexes(or apices), apogees, capstones, climaxes, crescendos(also crescendoes or crescendi), crests, crowns, culminations, heads, heights, high noons, high-water marks, meridians, ne plus ultras, noons, noontimes, peaks, pinnacles, summits, sums, tops, zeniths blooms, blossoms, flood tides, flowers, glories, heydays, primescaps, ceilings, roofsextremes, extremities, tips, vertices(also vertexes)highlights, highs, highspots bottoms, nadirs, rock bottoms abysses, bases, feet(also foot)minima(or minimums) |