例句 |
tokennoun something that serves to keep alive the memory of a person or eventplease accept this parting gift as a token of our lasting affection commemorative, keepsake, memento, memorial, monument, remembrance, reminder, souvenir memorabiliarelic, vestigecairn, landmark, markertestimonial, tributecenotaph sign, mark, token, note, symptom mean a discernible indication of what is not itself directly perceptible.sign applies to any indication to be perceived by the senses or the reason.encouraging signs for the economy mark suggests something impressed on or inherently characteristic of a thing often in contrast to general outward appearance.a mark of a good upbringing token applies to something that serves as a proof of something intangible.this gift is a token of our esteem note suggests a distinguishing mark or characteristic.a note of irony in her writing symptom suggests an outward indication of an internal change or condition.rampant crime is a symptom of that city's decay before the 12th century |