例句 |
ambulatesverbpresent tense third-person singular of ambulate to go on foota progressive disease that compromises a patient's ability to ambulate foots (it), hoofs (it), legs (it), pads, steps, traipses, treads, walks parades, promenadesmarches, paces, steps out, strides, troopspower walkshikes, peregrinates, treksambles, moseys, perambulates, rambles, saunters, strolls, wandersclumps, stomps, stumps, tramples, tramps, trompsfootslogs, plods, trudgesgimps, hobbles, limpsminces, prances, pussyfoots, tiptoesbounces, sashays, stalks, struts, swaggersfalters, lumbers, lurches, pounds, scuffs, shambles, shuffles, staggers, stumbles, toddles, waddlesnips, taps, trips, trots |