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reprimandsnounpl. of reprimand an often public or formal expression of disapprovalwhile reviewing the troops, the officer delivered a curt reprimand to one of the soldiers censures, comminations, condemnations, denunciations, excoriations, objurgations, rebukes, reproaches, reproofs, riot acts, strictures admonishments, admonitions, castigations, chastisements, damnations, punishments, remonstrancesbusinesses, devils, dressing-downs, lashes, lectures, lessons, raps, scoldings, talking-tos, tongue-lashingsbelittlements, criticisms, deprecations, depreciations, disparagements, pans citations, commendations, endorsements(also indorsements) acclamations, honors, tributesencomiums(also encomia), eulogies, panegyrics, plaudits, praisesapprovals, blessings, sanctions reprimandsverbpresent tense third-person singular of reprimandto criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failingsreprimanded the summer intern for her constant tardiness bastes, bawls out, berates, calls down, castigates, chastises, chews out, dresses down, flays, hammers, jaws, keelhauls, lambastes(or lambasts), lectures, rags, rails (at or against), rants (at), rates, reams (out), rebukes, reproaches, scolds, scores, tongue-lashes, upbraids admonishes, chides, remonstrates (with), reprovesabuses, assails, attacks, bad-mouths, blames, blasts, censures, condemns, criticizes, crucifies, denounces, disses(slang), excoriates, faults, harangues, knocks, laces (into), lashes, pans, reprehends, reviles, scourges, slams, vituperatesbelittles, disparages, mocks, puts downridicules, scoffs, scorns lays into, reads the riot act (to), takes to task approves, endorses(also indorses), sanctionsextols(also extolls), lauds, praises to criticize (someone) usually gently so as to correct a faultreprimanded the student for using the lax grammar and punctuation of text messaging in a term paper admonishes, chides, rebukes, reproaches, reproves, ticks off berates, castigates, chews out, dresses down, flays, harangues, jaws, keelhauls, lambastes(or lambasts), lectures, rails (at or against), rates, scolds, scores, upbraidsabuses, assails, attacks, bad-mouths, blames, blasts, censures, condemns, criticizes, crucifies, denounces, disses(slang), excoriates, faults, knocks, lashes, pans, reprehends, slamsbelittles, deprecates, disparages, minimizes, mocks, puts downderides, ridicules, scoffs, scorns burns one's ears, gets after, gets on approves, endorses(also indorses), OKs(or okays), sanctionsapplauds, extols(also extolls), hails, lauds, praises, salutes, touts to express public or formal disapproval ofthe president was forced to reprimand the general for publicly voicing his disagreements with the nation's foreign policy censures, condemns, denounces, objurgates, rebukes, reproaches, reproves admonishes, chastisescastigates, punishesbawls out, berates, chews out, cuts up, dresses down, flays, gibbets, jaws, keelhauls, lambastes(or lambasts), lectures, rags, rails (at or against), rates, scolds, scores, tells off, upbraidsbelittles, criticizes, deprecates, depreciates, disparages brings to account, calls to account cites, commends, endorses(also indorses) acclaims, applauds, hails, honorseulogizes, lauds, praisesapproves, blesses, sanctions |