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reproachesnounpl. of reproach a cause of shameyour public display of boorish behavior is a reproach to this entire school disgraces, dishonors, opprobriums, reflections, scandals blots, brands, slurs, smirches, spots, stains, stigmas(or stigmata), taints credits, honors boasts, glories, jewels, prides, treasures an often public or formal expression of disapprovala letter of reproach was added to her dossier censures, comminations, condemnations, denunciations, excoriations, objurgations, rebukes, reprimands, reproofs, riot acts, strictures admonishments, admonitions, castigations, chastisements, damnations, punishments, remonstrancesbusinesses, devils, dressing-downs, lashes, lectures, lessons, raps, scoldings, talking-tos, tongue-lashingsbelittlements, criticisms, deprecations, depreciations, disparagements, pans citations, commendations, endorsements(also indorsements) acclamations, honors, tributesencomiums(also encomia), eulogies, panegyrics, plaudits, praisesapprovals, blessings, sanctions the state of having lost the esteem of othersnothing the traitor did in later life lessened the reproach in which he was universally held discredit, disesteems, disgraces, dishonors, disreputes, ignominies, infamies, obloquies, odiums, opprobriums, shames scandalscontempts, despites, disdains, scornsdeprecations, disapprobations, disapprovals, disfavorsabasements, debasements, degradations, dust, humiliationsblots, brands, shadows, slurs, smirches, spots, stains, stigmas(or stigmata), taints esteems, honors, respects admirations, appreciations, estimations, regardsawes, fears, reverencesfames, glories, renowns, reputes reproachesverbpresent tense third-person singular of reproachto criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failingsour neighbor loudly reproached us for tromping through his yard bastes, bawls out, berates, calls down, castigates, chastises, chews out, dresses down, flays, hammers, jaws, keelhauls, lambastes(or lambasts), lectures, rags, rails (at or against), rants (at), rates, reams (out), rebukes, reprimands, scolds, scores, tongue-lashes, upbraids admonishes, chides, remonstrates (with), reprovesabuses, assails, attacks, bad-mouths, blames, blasts, censures, condemns, criticizes, crucifies, denounces, disses(slang), excoriates, faults, harangues, knocks, laces (into), lashes, pans, reprehends, reviles, scourges, slams, vituperatesbelittles, disparages, mocks, puts downridicules, scoffs, scorns lays into, reads the riot act (to), takes to task approves, endorses(also indorses), sanctionsextols(also extolls), lauds, praises to criticize (someone) usually gently so as to correct a faultshe cleared her throat as a way of reproaching us for having our elbows on the table admonishes, chides, rebukes, reprimands, reproves, ticks off berates, castigates, chews out, dresses down, flays, harangues, jaws, keelhauls, lambastes(or lambasts), lectures, rails (at or against), rates, scolds, scores, upbraidsabuses, assails, attacks, bad-mouths, blames, blasts, censures, condemns, criticizes, crucifies, denounces, disses(slang), excoriates, faults, knocks, lashes, pans, reprehends, slamsbelittles, deprecates, disparages, minimizes, mocks, puts downderides, ridicules, scoffs, scorns burns one's ears, gets after, gets on approves, endorses(also indorses), OKs(or okays), sanctionsapplauds, extols(also extolls), hails, lauds, praises, salutes, touts to express public or formal disapproval ofthe governor reproached the legislature for failing to pass the budget on time and once again throwing the state into fiscal chaos censures, condemns, denounces, objurgates, rebukes, reprimands, reproves admonishes, chastisescastigates, punishesbawls out, berates, chews out, cuts up, dresses down, flays, gibbets, jaws, keelhauls, lambastes(or lambasts), lectures, rags, rails (at or against), rates, scolds, scores, tells off, upbraidsbelittles, criticizes, deprecates, depreciates, disparages brings to account, calls to account cites, commends, endorses(also indorses) acclaims, applauds, hails, honorseulogizes, lauds, praisesapproves, blesses, sanctions |