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reproduceverb to bring forth offspringmice reproduce at a much faster rate than humans do breed, multiply, procreate, propagate bear, beget, engender, gender, generate, get, have, mother, parent, produce, sirehatch, spawn to make an exact likeness ofyou'll have to reproduce that design on every tile in the bathroom clone, copy, copycat, duplicate, imitate, reduplicate, render, replicate counterfeit, fake, forge, knock off, rip offmimic, simulatereconstruct, re-create originate create, imagine, initiate, invent to bring back to mindI can almost reproduce the information in my head, but not quite flash back (to), hark back (to), harken back (to), hearken back (to), mind(chiefly dialect), recall, recollect, remember, reminisce (about), think (of) recapture, recureduce, elicit, evoke, extract, raise, remindreliverepresent disremember, forget, unlearn misrememberdisregard, ignore, neglect, overlooklose, missblank (out) ca. 1611 |