例句 |
gurunoun a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a fieldone of those weather gurus that the television networks always drag out whenever there's a big blizzard brewing ace, adept, artist, authority, cognoscente, connoisseur, crackerjack(also crackajack), dab(chiefly British), dab hand(chiefly British), expert, fiend, geek, hand, hotshot, maestro, master, maven(also mavin), meister, past master, proficient, scholar, shark, sharp, virtuoso, whiz, wizard pro, professionalconsultant, hired gun, specialistaddict, aficionado(also afficionado), buff, devotee, enthusiast, fancraftsman, journeymanall-rounder(British), jack-of-all-trades, Renaissance manmistress amateur, inexpert, nonexpert apprentice, beginner, neophyte, novicedabbler, dilettantelayman, nonprofessional one who brings an art or science to full realizationthe leading guru of electronic music in the 1960s exponent, expounder, high priest, interpreter, practitioner dean, doyen, grand old manideologue(also idealogue), philosopher, theoristadvocate, apostle, backer, booster, champion, promoter, proponent, supporter in 1613 |