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anathemasnounpl. of anathema a prayer that harm will come to someoneuttered an anathema before driving the would-be robber from the his shop bans, curses, execrations, imprecations, maledictions, malisons, winzes(Scottish) censures, condemnations, damnations, denunciations, excommunicationshexes, hoodoos, jinxes, mojoes(or mojos), spells, voodoos, whammiespox(or poxes) benedictions, benisons, blessings citations, commendations, endorsements(also indorsements) something or someone that is hatedthe use of animals in the testing of cosmetics is anathema to animal-rights activists abhorrences, abominations, antipathies, aversions, bêtes noires, detestations, execrations, hates dreads, hang-ups, horrors, phobiasbogeys(also bogies), bugaboos, bugbearsadversaries, enemiesannoyances, grievances, hassles, nuisances, peeves loves beloveds, darlings, dears, honeys, sweetheartsdelights, enjoyments, felicities, joys, pleasuresfavorites, likes, preferencestreasures |