例句 |
eternitynoun endless timethe question whether the universe will end someday or continue to exist in eternity everlasting, foreverness, infinity, perpetuity boundlessness, endlessness, interminableness, limitlessness, permanence, permanency, timelessness ephemerality, impermanence, temporariness, transience, transitoriness unending existence after deatha firm belief in the eternity of the soul a long or seemingly long period of timewe waited in line for tickets for an eternity aeon(or eon), age, blue moon, coon's age, cycle, donkey's years(chiefly British), forever, long, months, moon infinitylifetime flash, instant, jiffy, minute, moment, second, shake, split second, trice, twinkle, twinkling, winkmicrosecond, nanosecond in the 14th century |