例句 |
preparationnoun the state of being ready to act when the need arisesPreparation can make the difference between life and death in a natural disaster. preparedness, readinessaliveness, awareness, consciousness, mindfulness, receptiveness, receptivity, sensitivitycare, carefulness, cautiousness, chariness, heedfulness, warinessalert, alertness, attentiveness, qui vive, red alert, vigilance, watch, watchfulness unpreparedness, unreadinesscarelessness, heedlessness, inattention, inattentiveness, negligence, remissnessunwarinessabsentmindedness, abstraction, daydreaming, daze, distraction the act or process of making ready for somethingMuch of the coursework this semester has been spent on preparation for the statewide exams. coaching, conditioning, cultivation, readyingeducation, instruction, schooling, teaching, training, tuition, tutelage, tutoringdevelopment, direction, guidance, nurturance, nurturingedification, enlightenment, improvementdidactics, pedagogics, pedagogyhigher education, higher learning a substance made ready for use as a medicineTo avoid side effects, the preparation should be taken with food. cure, drug, medication, medicinal, pharmaceutical, physic, remedy, specificmiracle drug, wonder drugpotiondosage, dosedrop, gelcapbolus, pilulecap, capsule, lozenge, tabletcompound, mixture in the 14th century |