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announcementnoun a published statement informing the public of a matter of general interestan announcement was in today's paper regarding the merger of the two banks ad, advert(chiefly British), advertisement, bulletin, communiqué, notice, notification, posting, release broadside, brochure, circular, flyer(also flier), fly sheet, gazette(British), handbill, handoutbill, billboard, placard, playbill, poster, show bill, signbroadcast, cablecast, newscast, telecastadvertising, billing, blurb, come-on, commercial, message, pitch, plugola, spot, wordcommunication, dispatch, reportannunciation, declaration, edict, proclamation, promulgation, pronouncement, pronunciamento, rescript, significationballyhoo, boost, buildup, campaign, plug, promo, promotion, propaganda, publicity in 1781 |