例句 |
eveningnoun a later period of one's lifenow in the evening of their lives, the married couple are ready to hand the family business over to the next generation afterlife, afternoon, age, autumn sunset, twilight, winteranecdotage, dotage, senilityelderliness, golden years, oldness, seniorityadulthood, majority, maturity, middle, middle age, midlife, ripeness springtime adolescence, youth the time from when the sun begins to set to the onset of total darknessin the evening a reddish glow often appears on the mountaintops crepuscule(or crepuscle), dusk, eve, evenfall, eventide, gloaming, night, nightfall, sundown, sunset, twilight dark, darkness, nighttime aurora, cockcrow, dawn, dawning, daybreak, daylight, morn, morning, sunrise, sunup day, daytime, lightforenoon eveningverbpresent participle of evento make free from breaks, curves, or bumpseven the filling before adding the top layer of the cake flattening, leveling(or levelling), planing, smoothening, smoothing clipping, cropping, paring, pruning, shaving, trimminglaying, pressing, spreadingcarding, combing, rakingsurfacing roughening, roughing coarsening, rumpling, wrinklingbending, kinkingdenting, pitting to make equal in amount, degree, or statusthe contention that producing more arms will even us with the enemy and therefore make us more secure balancing, equalizing, equating, leveling(or levelling) equilibrating, equipoisingaccommodating, adjusting, compensating, fittingcounterbalancinghomogenizing, normalizing, regularizing, standardizingdemocratizing disequilibrating before the 12th century |