例句 |
reverendsnounpl. of reverend a person specially trained and authorized to conduct religious services in a Christian churchcalled their reverend and asked if he could marry them next June clergypersons, clericals, clerics, clerks, deacons, divines, dominies, ecclesiastics, ministers, preachers, priests churchmen, clergymen, fathers, Holy Joes(slang), padresclergywomen, deaconesses, priestessesabbots, archbishops, archpriests, bishops, deans, diocesans, monsignors(or monsignori), popes, prelates, presbytersabbés, curates, curés, parsons, pastors, rectors, shepherds, vicarschaplains, confessors, sky pilotsevangelists, missionaries, missioners, missionizers, revivalistsfriars, mendicants, monastics, monks, oblates, religioushigh priestesses, high priests laymen, laypeople, seculars(or secular) lay readers, lectors |