例句 |
every now and thenphraseor every now and again or every-so-often on some occasionsThe family likes to take a vacation in France every now and then. Every now and again the two friends quarrel but they never hold grudges. here and there, now, now and then, occasionally, sometimes intermittently, off and on, periodically, recurrentlyinfrequently, little, rarely, seldomirregularly, sporadically, variously at times, ever and anon, from time to time, once in a while, on occasion frequently, hourly, much, oft, often, oftentimes(or ofttimes)commonly, ordinarily, regularly, routinely, usuallyalways, consistently, constantly, invariablycontinually, continuingly, continuously, incessantly, perpetually, unceasingly, uninterruptedlyendlessly, ever, interminably |