例句 |
maladynoun an abnormal state that disrupts a plant's or animal's normal bodily functioningin the olden days people were always suffering from some unknown malady affection, ail, ailment, bug, complaint, complication, condition, disease, disorder, distemper, distemperature, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, sickness, trouble contagion, contagious diseasecontagium, infectionattack, bout, fit, spelldebility, decrepitude, feebleness, frailness, lameness, sickliness, unhealthiness, unsoundness, unwellness, weaknessmalaise, matter, pipepidemic, pest, pestilence, plague health, wellness fitness, healthiness, heartiness, robustness, soundness, wholeness, wholesomenessfettle, shape in the 13th century |