例句 |
resorts (to)verbpresent tense third-person singular of resort (to) to use or seek out as a source of aid, relief, or advantageunable to achieve their ends politically, some of the opposition groups have begun to resort to violence consults, goes (to), refers (to), turns (to) employs, uses, utilizesdepends (on), relies (on) falls back on to go to or spend time in oftenresorted to the library whenever he felt the need for a little peace and quiet affects, frequents, habituates, hangs (at), haunts, visits patronizesattends, takes ininfests, invades, overruns, swarmscalls (on or upon), drops by, drops in, pops (in), runs (in), stops (in or by)camps (out in), sojourns (at), stays (at), stops (over), tarries (in) avoids, shuns dodges, ducks, eludes, escapes, eschews, evades, shakes |