例句 |
restrainsverbpresent tense third-person singular of restrain to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression)the victim's family members were unable to restrain their emotions upon hearing the verdict bridles, checks, constrains, contains, controls, curbs, governs, holds, inhibits, keeps, measures, pulls in, regulates, reins (in), rules, tames bottles (up), chokes (back), holds back, minces, muffles, pockets, represses, sinks, smothers, squelches, stifles, strangles, suppresses, swallowsarrests, interrupts, stopsblocks, hampers, handcuffs, hinders, impedes, obstructsgags, muzzles, silences loses liberates, loosens, looses, unleashesairs, expresses, takes out, vents to take or keep under one's control by authority of lawthe suspect was restrained and taken to an undisclosed location apprehends, arrests, busts(slang), collars, nabs, nails, nicks(British slang), picks up, pinches, pulls in, runs in, seizes bags, captures, catches, gets, grabs, grapples, hooks, lands, snaps (up), snares, snatches, trapscommits, confines, detains, holds, immures, imprisons, incarcerates, interns, jails, jugs, locks (up)binds, enchains, fetters, handcuffs, manacles, shackles, trammelsrearrestsremands discharges emancipates, frees, liberates, loosens, looses, releases, springsunbinds, unchains |