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applausesnounpl. of applause enthusiastic and usually public expression of approvala design for a memorial for the victims of the attack that has received nothing but applause from officials, commentators, and the general public acclamations, cheers, ovations, plaudits, raves, réclames bravos(or bravoes), hails, hallelujahs, hosannas, hurrahs(also hoorays or hoorahs), huzzahs(or huzzas)acclaim, accolades, citations, commendations, compliments, encomiums(also encomia), eulogies, homages, kudos, paeans, panegyrics, salutations, tributeskudos, praises boos, hisses, hoots, jeers, raspberries, smirks, sneers, snickers, sniggers, snorts, whistlesgibes(or jibes), put-downs, taunts public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievementa heroic effort by the fire department that deserves the applause of everyone in the city acclaim, accolades, bays, credits, distinctions, glories, homages, honors, kudos, lauds, laurels, props(slang), réclames, suns celebrities, fames, renowns, reputescompliments, encomiums(also encomia), eulogies, panegyrics, toasts, tributesacclamations, ovations, plaudits, praises, raves, rhapsodiescitations, commendations, kudos, notes, recommendationselevations, enshrinements, enthronements, exaltations, glorifications |