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approachnoun an established course for traveling from one place to anotherwill take the standard landing approach from the south avenue, passage, path, route, way bypath, byway, lane, laneway(British)artery, boulevard, bypass, drive, expressway, freeway, high road, highway, pass, passageway, pike, road, roadway, routeway(chiefly British), row, street, thoroughfare, turnpikewalk, walkwaytrace, track, trailairwaybikeway, cycleway(British)channel, gat, watercourse, waterwaydoor, doorway, gate, gateway, hatch, portal the means or procedure for doing somethingthat's a different approach to knitting, but it seems to work fashion, form, how, manner, method, methodology, recipe, strategy, style, system, tack, tactics, technique, way mode, modus operandiblueprint, design, game, game plan, ground plan, intrigue, layout, line, model, plan, plot, program, route, schemeexpedient, move, shift, steppractice(also practise), process, routinepolicy approachverbto come near or nearerthe parade's approaching! I can hear the band playing! belly up, close, close in, come up, draw on, near, nigh arrive, attain, come, gain, hit, land, make, reach, show up, turn up, waltz (up)creep up, sneak upadjoin, border, touch, verge back (up or away), recede, retire, retreat, withdraw clear out, depart, exit, go, leave, light out, pull out, quit, remove, run away, shove (off), take off, walk out to move closer toapproach the bull with caution advance, come, near, nigh drop in, enter, pop (in) go, recede (from), retreat, withdraw depart, exit, leave to come near or nearer to in character or qualityhis store-bought dessert doesn't even approach your homemade version of it approximate, compare (with), measure up (to), stack up (against or with) add up (to), amount (to), come (to)duplicate, equal, matchmirror, parallel, reflectborder (on), touch (on), verge (on) hold a candle to in the 13th century |