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exactlyadverb as stated or indicated without the slightest differencewe will meet at exactly six o'clock due, full, just, precisely, right, sharp, smack-dab, squarely on the button, on the nose in the same mannerhe wants to be exactly like his father just, precisely even, expressly, faultlessly, perfectlyidentically, uniformlyalike, likewise, similarly to a T slightly, somewhat, vaguelydifferently, variably in the same wordsa plagiarism suit alleging that one historian had copied large segments of another's text exactly ad verbum, directly, verbatim, word for word accurately, preciselyidenticallyliterally inexactly basically, essentially, virtuallycarelessly, freely, imprecisely, inaccurately, loosely without any relaxation of standards or precisionfollow the rules exactly and you won't get into trouble to a full extent or degreeshe listened to the advice, then did exactly what she wanted to anyway all, all of, all over, altogether, clean, completely, dead, enough, entire, entirely, even, fast, flat, full, fully, heartily, out, perfectly, plumb(chiefly dialect), quite, soundly, thoroughly, through and through, totally, utterly, well, wholly, wide absolutely, categorically, cold, downright, hands down, plain, stone, stone-cold, unqualifiedlybasically, by and large, chiefly, generally, largely, mainly, more or less, mostly, overall, predominantly, predominately, primarily, principally, substantiallyabundantly, copiously, generously, greatly all the way, at length, down the line, down to the ground, for fair, in whole, to bits, to pieces, to the hilt, to the max half, halfway, incompletely, part, partially, partly barely, hardly, just, kind of, marginally, minimally, scarcely, slightly, superficiallyapproximately, roughly, somewhat used to express agreement"Are you calling me a liar?" "Exactly." all right, alright, aye(also ay), OK(or okay), okeydoke(or okeydokey), yea, yeah, yep, yes, yo absolutely, assuredly, certainly, indeed, indisputably, positively, undoubtedly, unquestionably nay, no, no way, scarcely in 1612 |