例句 |
exaggeratesverbpresent tense third-person singular of exaggerate to add to the interest of by including made-up detailsthe American colonist John Smith is believed by many historians to have exaggerated his adventures colors, elaborates (on), embellishes, embroiders, hyperbolizes, magnifies, pads, stretches dresses up, gussies upamplifies, enhances, enlarges (on or upon), expands, fleshes (out)fudges, hedgesoverdoes, overdraws, overemphasizes, overplays, overstatesemphasizes, plays up, stressescaricaturessatirizes belittles, minimizes, plays down, understates to describe or express in too strong termsit would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of this entrance exam overdoes, overdraws, overstates, puts on colors, elaborates, embellishes, embroiders, magnifies, pads, plays up, stretchesfudges, hedgesmelodramatizes, overemphasizes, overplays, sensationalizes understates belittles, minimizes, plays down |