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manifestadjective not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretationdespite his manifest lack of leadership skills, the shift supervisor managed to keep his position apparent, bald, bald-faced, barefaced, bright-line, broad, clear, clear-cut, crystal clear, decided, distinct, evident, lucid, luculent, luminous, nonambiguous, obvious, open-and-shut, palpable, patent, pellucid, perspicuous, plain, ringing, straightforward, transparent, unambiguous, unambivalent, unequivocal, unmistakable cognizable, cognoscible, comprehendible, comprehensible, digestible, fathomable, graspable, intelligible, knowable, understandableself-evident, self-explanatoryclean-cut, simple, tidy, uncomplicatedovert, undisguisedappreciable, perceptible, recognizable, sensible, tangiblediscernible(also discernable), noticeable, observable, visibleblack-and-white, explicit, trenchant, well-definedclean, decipherable, fair, legible, readable ambiguous, clouded, cryptic, dark, enigmatic(also enigmatical), equivocal, indistinct, mysterious, nonobvious, obfuscated, obscure, unapparent, unclarified, unclear incomprehensible, indecipherable, unfathomable, unintelligible, unknowableimpalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indiscernible, insensiblecloudy, gauzy, gray(also grey), hazy, imprecise, indefinite, indeterminate, misty, murky, nebulous, noncommittal, sketchy, slippery, subtle, vagueillegible, undecipherable, unreadable manifestverbto make known (something abstract) through outward signsa frustration that is often manifested by a minor facial tic bespeak, betray, communicate, declare, demonstrate, display, evince, expose, give away, reveal, show bare, disclose, unbosom, uncloak, uncoveradvertise, air, announce, blaze, broadcast, placard, proclaim, publicize, sound, trumpetproject belie, misrepresentdistort, falsify, garble, twistcamouflage, disguisegild, gloss (over), varnish, whitewashconceal, counterfeit, cover, hide, mask, obscure, occlude, veil to represent in visible formgraduates of the military academies manifest, we hope, the best that this country has to offer body, embody, epitomize, express, externalize, incarnate, incorporate, instantiate, materialize, personalize, personify, substantiate actualize, concretize, realizeexemplify, illustrate, image, objectify, symbolize, typify disembody adj.evident, manifest, patent, distinct, obvious, apparent, plain, clear mean readily perceived or apprehended.evident implies presence of visible signs that lead one to a definite conclusion.an evident fondness for sweets manifest implies an external display so evident that little or no inference is required.manifest hostility patent applies to a cause, effect, or significant feature that is clear and unmistakable once attention has been directed to it.patent defects distinct implies such sharpness of outline or definition that no unusual effort to see or hear or comprehend is required.a distinct refusal obvious implies such ease in discovering that it often suggests conspicuousness or little need for perspicacity in the observer.the obvious solution apparent is very close to evident except that it may imply more conscious exercise of inference.for no apparent reason plain suggests lack of intricacy, complexity, or elaboration.her feelings about him are plain clear implies an absence of anything that confuses the mind or obscures the pattern.a clear explanation v.show, manifest, evidence, evince, demonstrate mean to reveal outwardly or make apparent.show is the general term but sometimes implies that what is revealed must be gained by inference from acts, looks, or words.careful not to show his true feelings manifest implies a plainer, more immediate revelation.manifested musical ability at an early age evidence suggests serving as proof of the actuality or existence of something.a commitment evidenced by years of loyal service evince implies a showing by outward marks or signs.evinced not the slightest fear demonstrate implies showing by action or by display of feeling.demonstrated their approval by loud applause in the 14th century |