例句 |
manifestedverbpast tense of manifest to make known (something abstract) through outward signsa frustration that is often manifested by a minor facial tic bespoke, betrayed, communicated, declared, demonstrated, displayed, evinced, exposed, gave away, revealed, showed bared, disclosed, unbosomed, uncloaked, uncoveredadvertised, aired, announced, blazed, broadcast(also broadcasted), placarded, proclaimed, publicized, sounded, trumpetedprojected belied, misrepresenteddistorted, falsified, garbled, twistedcamouflaged, disguisedgilded(or gilt), glossed (over), varnished, whitewashedconcealed, counterfeited, covered, hid, masked, obscured, occluded, veiled to represent in visible formgraduates of the military academies manifest, we hope, the best that this country has to offer bodied, embodied, epitomized, expressed, externalized, incarnated, incorporated, instantiated, materialized, personalized, personified, substantiated actualized, concretized, realizedexemplified, illustrated, imaged, objectified, symbolized, typified disembodied |