例句 |
man-madeadjective being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materialsman-made diamonds that were really just glass artificial, bogus, dummy, ersatz, factitious, fake, false, faux, imitation, imitative, mimic, mock, pretend, sham, simulated, substitute, synthetic cultured, manufactured, processunauthenticadulterated, designer, doctored, engineered, fudged, juggled, manipulated, tampered (with)concocted, fabricatedcounterfeit, deceptive, forged, fraudulent, misleading, phony(also phoney)affected, brummagem, feigned, pinchbeck, pseudo, spurious genuine, natural, real authentic, bona fide, legitimate, truepremium, quality, valuablepure, unadulterated produced by humans rather than natural processesthe houses in the new development are built around a man-made lake artificial, nonnatural, synthetic fabricated, manufacturedcultivated, processed, refinedindustrial, mechanicalersatz, faux, imitation natural crude, raw in 1615 |