例句 |
mare's nestsnounor mares' nestspl. of mare's nest a state in which everything is out of orderthe lack of planning had resulted in the city's evacuation being a mare's nest of epic proportions chance-medleys, chaoses, confusions, disarrangements, disarrays, dishevelments, disorders, disorganizations, free-for-alls, havoc, hecks, hells, jumbles, messes, misorders, muddles, musses, shambles, snake pits, tumbles, welters anarchies, misrules, riotsknots, snarls, tangleslabyrinths, mazes, websmaelstroms, stormsbollixes, clutters, litters, mishmashes, shuffleshodgepodges, medleys, miscellanies, morasses, motleys orders methods, patterns, plans, systems |