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filenoun a series of persons or things arranged one behind anothera long file of people waiting to get tickets to the game column, cue, line, queue, range, string, train echelon, rank, row, tierchain, progression, sequence, successionarray fileverb1to make smooth by frictionbeautifully filed nails that obviously had been done by a manicurist buff, grind, hone, rasp, rub, sand plane, scrapesandblast, scourburnish, dress, gloss, polish, shine, smoothedge, sharpen, strop, whetregrind coarsen, rough (up), roughen, scuff fileverb2to move along with a steady regular step especially in a groupto the strains of that familiar music, this year's graduating class filed into the auditorium march, pace, parade, stride goose-stepperambulate, step, traipse, treadhike, tramplumber, plod, stamp, stomp, trudge amble, meander, ramble, stroll, wander before the 12th century |