例句 |
fills inverbpresent tense third-person singular of fill in to give information tomy friend quickly filled me in on the portion of the movie that I had missed acquaints, advises, apprises, briefs, catches up, clears, clues (in), enlightens, familiarizes, hips, informs, instructs, tells, verses, wises (up) advertises, alerts, notifiesannounces (to), discloses (to)assures, certifies, convinces, reassures, warrantseducates, lectures, schools, teaches, tutorsdisabuses, disenchants, disillusions, undeceives keeps (someone) posted, lets someone know misinforms, misleads to serve as a replacement usually for a time onlyshe's only filling in while the regular secretary is on vacation covers, pinch-hits, stands in, steps in, subs, substitutes, takes over understudiesrelieves, spellsdoubles (as) |