例句 |
saintedadjective showing a devotion to God and to a life of virtuerenowned as theologian as well as for his work as medical missionary in Africa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer was widely regarded as one of the most sainted individuals of his time devout, godly, holy, pious, religious, saintly ascetic(also ascetical), prayerful, reverent, reverential, spiritual, worshipfulpietistic, religiosebeatified, blessed(also blest), canonized, venerableangelic(or angelical), cherubicchaste, moral, pure, righteous, upright, virtuous antireligious, faithless, godless, impious, irreligious, ungodly, unholy blasphemous, desecrating, irreverent, profanatory, profane, sacrilegiousnonreligious, secular, unspiritual, worldlybacksliding, unfaithfulblack, evil, immoral, iniquitous, miscreant, sinful, sinning, unrighteous, wicked in 1593 |