例句 |
beingsnounpl. of being a member of the human raceno one has the right to enslave another being babies, birds, bodies, bods(British), characters, cookies, creatures, customers, devils, ducks, eggs, faces, fish(or fishes), guys, heads, human beings, humans, individuals, lives, men, mortals, parties, people, personages, scouts, slobs, sorts, souls, specimens, stiffs, things, wights hominids, homos, humanoidsbrothers(also brethren), fellowmen, fellows, neighborscelebrities, personalities, selves, somebodies sons of man animals, beasties, beasts, brutes, critters one that has a real and independent existencenew parents are typically in awe at having created this separate being commodities, entities, existents, individualities, individuals, integers, objects, realities, substances, things bodies, subjectsmaterials, matters, quantities, stuff nonentities the quality or qualities that make a thing what it ismusic is such a large part of her being that she could never give up performing essences, essentialities, natures, quiddities, quintessences, souls, stuff, substances hearts, spiritsalpha and omegas, centers, cores, keynotes, marrows, piths, seatsembodiments, epitomes, incarnations, manifestations, personificationsaspects, attributes, features, propertiesgists, kernels, nubs |