例句 |
flies atphrasepresent tense third-person singular of fly at to take sudden, violent action againstThe batter flew at the pitcher, thinking the beanball was thrown on purpose. assails, assaults, attacks, besets, bushwhacks, charges, descends (on or upon), goes in (on), jumps (on), pounces (on or upon), raids, rushes, sets on, sics(also sicks), storms, strikes, trashes, turns (on) bum-rushes, gangs up (on), mobs, swarmsmugs, robsambuscades, ambushes, surprises(also surprizes), waylaysblitzes, bombards, bombs, nukesbarrages, cannonades, cannonsbangs away (at), batters, buffets, plastersbeleaguers, besieges, pressesharries, loots, pillages, plunders, ravages, sacksforays, invades, overrunsenvelops, flanks beats up on, goes at, lights into, pitches into, rounds on, sets at, sets upon, tears into covers, defends, guards, protects, secures, shields |