例句 |
explanationsnounpl. of explanation a statement that makes something clearan explanation of photosynthesis that most museum visitors will be able to understand clarifications, constructions, elucidations, exegeses, explications, expositions, illuminations, illustrations, interpretations, road maps paraphrases, restatements, translationsannotations, commentaries, comments, epexegeses, glossesdisentanglementsanalysesedifications, enlightenmentsdefinitions, meaningsdemonstrations, enactmentsjustifications, rationales, rationalizations, reasoningscautions, caveats, warnings a statement given to explain a belief or actwhen questioned by authorities, the students were at a loss for an explanation for their senseless vandalism accountings, accounts, arguments, cases, rationales, reasons alibis, apologiae(or apologias), apologies, defenses, excuses, justifications, vindicationsappeals, pleasguises, pretenses(or pretences), pretexts, rationalizations |