resentment ♦︎ bitterness ♦︎ grudge ♦︎ bad feeling ♦︎ acrimonyThese are all words for an angry feeling that exists between people after a bad experience.这些词均表示愤恨、怨恨、嫌隙。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆the resentment / bitterness / bad feeling / acrimony between them◆resentment / a grudge against sb◆resentment / bitterness / a grudge / bad feeling about sth◆resentment / bitterness over sth◆to do sth without resentment / bitterness / acrimony◆to harbour resentment / bitterness / a grudge◆to bear resentment / a grudge◆a feeling / sense of resentment / bitterness■resentment / /rɪˈzentmənt/ / [uncountable, countable] a feeling of anger and unhappiness that you have because you feel that you have been treated unfairly(因感觉遭遇不公平的)愤恨,怨恨,愤慨◆She could not conceal the deep resentment she felt at the way she had been treated.受到那样的待遇,她无法掩盖内心强烈的愤恨。◆He felt a flash of resentment towards Helen.他对海伦顿生不满。◆Old grievances and resentments came to the surface.过往的不满和积怨浮现了出来。 see also resentful ⇨ bitter2■bitterness [uncountable] a feeling of anger and unhappiness that you have after a bad experience or about sth that you think is unfair(因不好的经历,或对某事感到不公而产生的)愤恨,怨恨,愤慨◆The pay cut caused great bitterness among the workers.减薪让工人十分愤懑。 see also bitter ⇨ bitter2NOTE辨析 Resentment or bitterness?Resentment may be a less obvious feeling than bitterness: people try or fail to hide it. It grows more slowly, but it may be shared by many people. * resentment的表现未必像bitterness那样明显,这种感受被人刻意掩饰,或不自觉地流露。resentment是日积月累产生的,但可能许多人都有这种感受◆his growing / increasing / mounting / smouldering resentment他日渐积累的不满◆popular / public / widespread resentment普遍的不满Bitterness can be sudden and can last a long or a short time. * bitterness可能是突然产生的,持续时间可长可短◆She felt touched with a momentary / sudden bitterness.那一瞬间/突然之间,她心里涌上一股怨恨。◆The long occupation of the island has left a legacy of bitterness.该岛长期被占领导致日后长期的仇恨。■grudge [countable] a feeling of anger or dislike towards sb because of sth bad they have done to you in the past积怨;怨恨;嫌隙◆I bear him no grudge.我不记恨他。◆He has a grudge against the world.他对社会心存不满。◆I don't hold any grudges now.我现在没有任何怨恨。■bad ˈfeeling [uncountable] ( bad ˈfeelings [plural] , especially in NAmE)
anger between people, especially after an argument or disagreement(尤指争吵或意见不合之后的)恶感,交恶,反感◆There was a lot of bad feeling between the two groups of students.这两群学生互怀敌意。■acrimony /ˈækrɪməni; NAmEˈækrɪmoʊni/ [uncountable] (formal) angry bitter feelings or words between people(态度或言辞的)尖刻,讥讽◆The dispute was settled without acrimony.没有唇枪舌剑,这场纠纷就解决了。 see also acrimonious ⇨ bitter2