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unit noun ⇨ army (enemy units) ⇨ chapter (The present perfect is covered in Unit 8.) ⇨ cupboard (kitchen units) ⇨ department (the intensive care unit) ⇨ element 1 (the basic unit of society) ⇨ machine (a waste disposal unit) army noun army ♦︎ force ♦︎ unit ♦︎ contingent ♦︎ legionThese are all words for an organized group of soldiers. 这些词均表示军队、部队。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆(a / the) British / French, etc. army / forces / unit◆(a / an) enemy / rebel army / forces / units◆(a) military forces / unit / contingent◆to deploy an army / a force / a unit / a contingent◆to command / be in command of an army / a force / a unit / a contingent◆an army / a force / a legion invades a place◆an army / a force / a unit / a legion advances / retreats◆an army / a force / a unit / a contingent / a legion withdraws / is withdrawn■ army [countable + singular or plural verb] a large organized group of soldiers who are trained to fight on land 陆军;陆军部队◆The two opposing armies faced each other across the battlefield.敌对两军在战场上对峙。ⓘ The army [singular + singular or plural verb] is the part of a country's armed forces that fights on land. * the army指一国的陆军◆Her husband is in the army.她的丈夫在陆军服役。◆After leaving school, Mike went into the army.毕业后迈克参加了陆军。◆He's an army officer.他是陆军军官。 ■ force [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people who have been trained to protect or attack other people, usually by using weapons 部队;武装部队◆A peace-keeping force was deployed to the area.一支维和部队部署在这个地区。◆The country now has its own army, air force and navy.该国现在有自己的陆军、空军和海军。◆A UN-led task force of 28 000 troops was sent to the area.一支联合国领导的28 000人特遣部队被派到该地区。ⓘ Forces [plural] are the weapons and soldiers that an army has, considered as things that may be used. * forces指武装力量,包括士兵和武器◆The government is negotiating cuts to nuclear forces.政府正在协商缩减核部队。 The armed forces [plural](or just the forces in British English) are the army, navy and air force. * the armed forces指海陆空三军,英式英语中也用the forces。 ■ unit [countable] a group of people who work or live together, especially a group of soldiers who form a part of an army (尤指军队中的)班组,小队◆The army is collaborating with guerrilla units in the border region.陆军正与边界地区的游击队合作。◆Medical units were operating in the disaster area.医疗小组正在灾区工作。 see also unit ⇨ department , detachment ⇨ team 1 ■ contingent / /kənˈtɪndʒənt/ / [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of soldiers that are part of a larger force (军队的)分遣队,小分队◆The French contingent in the UN peacekeeping force withdrew.联合国维和部队的法国分队撤离了。■ legion / /ˈliːdʒən/ / [countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large group of soldiers that forms part of an army, especially the one that existed in ancient Rome (尤指古罗马的)军团◆A Roman Legion consisted of 6 000 men.一个古罗马军团由6 000名士兵组成。 chapter noun chapter ♦︎ issue ♦︎ part ♦︎ episode ♦︎ unit ♦︎ edition ♦︎ volume ♦︎ contents ♦︎ instalmentThese are all words for part of a book or story, or one of a number of books, newspapers, magazines, stories, or TV or radio programmes that are published or broadcast. 这些词均表示书或故事的章节、报刊的一期、电视或广播节目的一集等。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a / the first / second / next chapter / issue / part / episode / unit / edition / volume / instalment◆the final / last chapter / part / episode / unit / volume / instalment◆the January / February / March, etc. issue / edition of sth◆Monday's / Tuesday's / Wednesday's, etc. issue / edition / episode / instalment of sth◆to produce an issue / a part / an edition / an episode / a volume / an instalment◆to publish an issue / a part / an edition / a volume / an instalment◆to bring out an issue / an edition / a volume◆to show / broadcast / see / watch / miss a part / an episode / an edition / an instalment of sth◆to read a chapter / an issue / a part / a unit / an edition / a volume / an instalment◆an issue / a part / an edition appears / is out / comes out■ chapter [countable] a separate section of a book, usually with a number or title (书的)章,篇,回◆I've just finished Chapter 3.我刚完成第3章。◆Have you read the chapter on the legal system?你读过论述法律制度的那一章吗?■ issue [countable] one of a regular series of magazines or newspapers (报刊的)一期,期号◆I'm after the July issue of 'What Car?'.我在找《汽车指南》的7月号。■ part [countable] a section of a book, television series, etc., especially one that is published or broadcast separately (书、电视系列片等,尤指单独发行或播出的)部,集,篇◆an encyclopedia published in 25 weekly parts每周出版一部,共25部的百科全书◆Henry IV, Part II《亨利四世》第二篇◆The final part will be shown next Sunday evening.最后一集将在下周日晚上播出。■ episode / /ˈepɪsəʊd; NAmE ˈepɪsoʊd/ [countable] one part of a story that is broadcast on television or radio in several parts (电视连续剧或广播剧的)一集◆The soap opera is ending after 175 episodes.那出肥皂剧在播放175集后完结。■ unit [countable] one of the parts into which a textbook or series of lessons is divided (教材或系列课程的)单元◆The present perfect is covered in Unit 8.现在完成时在第8单元讲述。■ edition /ɪˈdɪʃn/ / [countable] a particular newspaper or magazine, or radio or television programme, especially one in a regular series (报刊或广播、电视节目的)一期,一辑◆Tonight's edition of 'Panorama' looks at unemployment.今晚这一辑《全景》探讨的是失业问题。◆The story was in Tuesday's edition of 'The New York Times'.这篇报道刊登在星期二那期的《纽约时报》上。■ volume [countable] a book, especially one that is part of a series of books (尤指成套书籍的)一卷,一册◆The encyclopedia is a huge work, running to 20 volumes.这套百科全书是大部头,共有20卷。NOTE 辨析 Issue, edition or volume? Issue is usually used to talk about magazines and journals; edition is usually used to talk about newspapers. Academic journals usually publish several issues each year; all the issues for one year are considered to belong to one volume of the journal. * issue通常指杂志期刊,edition通常指报纸。issue可指学术期刊的每一期,volume指全年各期的合订本。 see also volume ⇨ book ■ contents [plural] the different sections that are contained in a book (书的)目录,目次◆a table of contents (= the list at the front of the book) 目录◆a contents page目录页■ instalment (especially BrE) (NAmE usually installment) / /ɪnˈstɔːlmənt/ / [countable] one of the parts of a story that appears regularly over a period of time in a newspaper, on television, etc. (报章连载小说的)一节;(电视连续剧的)一集◆Dickens completed the last instalment of Martin Chuzzlewit in June of that year.(Dickens originally wrote his stories in instalments for newspapers.) 那年6月,狄更斯完成了《马丁•瞿述伟》的最后一节。NOTE 辨析 Episode or instalment?An episode is a programme that forms part of a series on TV or radio; an instalment is used more often to talk about the parts of a story that appear in a magazine. When instalment is used to talk about TV or radio programmes, it often refers to one part of a very short series. * episode指电视或广播连续剧的一集,instalment更多指杂志连载故事的一节。谈及电视或广播节目时如用instalment,则常指短剧的一集◆Now for the second instalment of our exclusive three-part series.现在是我们独家播放的三集电视剧的第二集。 cupboard noun cupboard ♦︎ closet ♦︎ wardrobe ♦︎ cabinet ♦︎ locker ♦︎ chest of drawers ♦︎ dresser ♦︎ unit ♦︎ bureau ♦︎ pantryThese are all words for a piece of furniture or a space with doors which is used for storing or displaying things. 这些词均表示柜子。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a kitchen cupboard / closet / cabinet / unit / dresser◆a bathroom cupboard / closet / cabinet◆a medicine cupboard / cabinet◆a wall / storage cupboard / closet / cabinet / unit◆a walk-in cupboard / closet / wardrobe / pantry◆a fitted cupboard / wardrobe / unit◆a built-in cupboard / closet / wardrobe◆to open / close a cupboard / closet / wardrobe / cabinet / locker / bureau■ cupboard [countable] a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used for storing things such as dishes, food or clothes 橱柜;食物柜;衣柜◆The kitchen has built-in cupboards and shelves.厨房有嵌入式的橱柜和架子。ⓘ In British English a cupboard can also be built into a wall, not a separate piece of furniture; in American English this is called a closet. 在英式英语中,cupboard亦可指入墙式的橱柜,而非单件家具;在美式英语中,这称为closet◆The tool kit is in the cupboard under the stairs.工具箱在楼梯下的柜子里。 ■ closet [countable] (especially NAmE) a small room or a space in a wall with a door that reaches the floor, used for storing things 贮藏室;壁橱◆She has a walk-in closet for all her clothes.她有一个步入式衣帽间放她所有的衣服。■ wardrobe / /ˈwɔːdrəʊb; NAmE ˈwɔːrdroʊb/ [countable] a large cupboard for hanging clothes in 衣柜;衣橱◆The master bedroom has fitted wardrobes and en suite bathroom facilities.主卧室有入墙衣柜,还有配套的卫浴间。ⓘ In British English a wardrobe can either be a piece of furniture or it can be built into the wall. In American English a wardrobe is always a piece of furniture; if it is built into the wall it is called a closet. 在英式英语中,wardrobe既可以是单件的家具,也可以是入墙式的。在美式英语中,wardrobe总是指单件的家具,如果是入墙式的,则称为closet。■ cabinet /ˈkæbɪnət/ / [countable] a piece of furniture with doors, drawers and/or shelves, that is used for storing or showing things 储藏柜;陈列柜◆There's a medicine cabinet in the bathroom.浴室里有一个药柜。◆The china was displayed in a glass cabinet.瓷器陈列在玻璃柜里。ⓘ A filing cabinet (BrE) / file cabinet (NAmE) is a piece of office furniture with deep drawers for storing files. 文件柜在英式英语中是filing cabinet,在美式英语中是file cabinet。■ locker [countable] a small cupboard that can be locked, where you can leave your clothes and bags while you play a sport or go somewhere (体育馆等的)有锁存物柜,寄存柜◆I left my things in my locker.我把东西放在我的寄存柜里了。■ ˌchest of ˈdrawers (plural chests of drawers) [countable] a piece of furniture with drawers for keeping clothes in 五斗橱;(有抽屉的)衣橱◆She rose from the bed and crossed to the chest of drawers.她从床上起来走到衣橱前。ⓘ In American English a chest of drawers is also called a dresser or a bureau. 在美式英语中,chest of drawers亦称dresser或bureau。■ dresser [countable] (NAmE) a chest of drawers 五斗橱;(有抽屉的)衣橱ⓘ Dresser is the most frequent word for this piece of furniture in American English, although chest of drawers and bureau are also used. In British English a dresser is a large piece of wooden furniture with shelves in the top part and cupboards below, used for displaying and storing items such as cups and plates. 这种家具在美式英语中最常称为dresser,尽管也用chest of drawers和bureau。在英式英语中,dresser是大件木质家具,上方是架子,底下是橱柜,用来陈列或存放杯盘等◆I put the kettle on and took two cups and saucers down from the dresser.我把水烧上,从碗橱取下两套杯碟。 ■ unit [countable, usually plural] a piece of furniture, especially a cupboard, that fits with and matches others of the same type 配套家具组件;(尤指)成套家具中的柜子◆We offer a wide choice of kitchen units in traditional and modern styles.我们有多种传统和现代风格的整体厨房配件可供选择。ⓘ Unit is used especially in shops and advertising by companies that make and sell this kind of furniture. * unit尤用于商店以及生产和销售此类家具的公司的广告中。■ bureau / /ˈbjʊərəʊ; NAmE ˈbjʊroʊ/ (plural bureaux or bureaus /ˈbjʊərəʊz; NAmE ˈbjʊəroʊz/ ) [countable] (NAmE) a chest of drawers 五斗橱;(有抽屉的)衣橱◆There was just enough space for a fold-up bed, washstand and bureau.仅仅够空间放下一张折叠床、一个洗手台和斗柜。■ pantry /ˈpæntri/ / [countable] a cupboard or small room in a house, used for storing food, especially in the past (尤指旧时的)食品贮藏柜,食品贮藏室◆There's bread and cheese in the pantry.食物柜里有面包和奶酪。 department noun department ♦︎ division ♦︎ branch ♦︎ unit ♦︎ arm ♦︎ wingThese are all words for a part of an organization. 这些词均表示组织里的部门。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an administrative department / division / branch / arm◆a research department / division / unit / arm◆the finance / marketing department / division / arm◆a political department / unit / arm / wing◆a military unit / arm / wing◆a regional department / division / branch / unit■ department [countable] a part of a large organization, especially a business, shop, university, government or hospital, that deals with one particular activity (企业或商店的)部门;(大学的)系;(政府的)部,司,局;(医院的)科◆I work in the sales department.我在销售部工作。◆The children's department sells a wide range of good quality clothes.儿童用品部售卖各式各样的优质服装。◆Several professors from the history department will also speak at the event.历史系有几位教授也将在这次活动上发言。◆The Department of Trade and Industry refused to comment on the allegations.工业贸易署拒绝对这些指控发表评论。■ division [countable] a large and important part of an organization, especially a military one or a business (商业机构的)部门;(军队的)师◆The commander of the fourth infantry division defied orders.第四步兵师师长违抗命令。◆The company's sales division is going to be restructured.该公司的销售部将会重组。■ branch [countable] a local office or shop belonging to a large company or organization (公司或机构的)分支,分部,分行◆The bank has branches all over the country.这家银行在全国各地设有支行。◆Our New York branch is dealing with the matter.我们的纽约分部正在处理此事。ⓘ Some departments of a government or other organization may have a name which includes the word branch. * branch可能会用在政府或机构的部门名称中◆Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist branch swung into action.苏格兰场的反恐部门立即行动起来。 ■ unit [countable] a department, especially in a hospital, that provides a particular kind of care or treatment; a part of a military organization (医院的)科,病区;(军队的)班组,小队◆She was taken to the intensive care unit.她被送进了重症监护室。◆The hospital's maternity unit is to be closed.该医院的妇产科即将关闭。◆Enemy units have infiltrated the territory.敌方小分队已经潜入这个地区。 see also unit ⇨ army ■ arm [countable, usually singular] (used especially in compounds 尤用于复合词) a department of an organization 分部;职能部门◆The report was published by the research arm of the Department of Transport.该报告是交通部的研究部门发表的。◆The bank plans to sell part of its US finance arm.该银行计划卖掉其设在美国的金融部门的部分业务。■ wing [countable] one section of an organization, especially a political or military one, which has a particular function or whose members share the same opinions (尤指政治或军事机构中具有特殊职能或持相同观点的)派,翼◆The radical wing of the party was dissatisfied with the policies.该党的激进派对这些政策不满。 element1 noun have all the elements of a soap opera 有肥皂剧的所有要素an element of risk 些许风险 ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ aspect 另见aspect条element ♦︎ component ♦︎ module ♦︎ unit ♦︎ part ♦︎ piece ♦︎ ingredient ♦︎ sectionThese are all words for sth which belongs to, but can be considered separately from, sth larger. 这些词均表示要素、成分、元件。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an element / a component / an ingredient in sth◆an individual element / component / module / unit / part / piece / ingredient◆a basic element / component / module / unit / part / ingredient◆a core element / component / module / unit◆a / an major / important / fundamental element / component / unit / ingredient◆a / an necessary / essential element / component / part / ingredient◆the main / principal element / component / ingredient◆component / constituent elements / modules / parts■ element / /ˈelɪmənt/ / [countable] a necessary or typical part or aspect of sth 要素;基本部分;典型部分◆Cost was a key element in our decision.成本是我们作决策时考虑的一个关键因素。◆The story has all the elements of a soap opera.这个故事有肥皂剧的所有要素。■ component / /kəmˈpəʊnənt; NAmE kəmˈpoʊnənt/ [countable] (rather formal) one of several parts which combine to form the whole 组成部分;成分;部件◆Car components are manufactured in the other factory.汽车零部件在另一家工厂生产。◆Trust is a vital component in any relationship.在任何关系中,信任都是一个至关重要的因素。▸ component adjective [only before noun] ◆This concept can be broken down into its component parts.这一概念可以分解成若干组成部分。■ module /ˈmɒdjuːl; NAmE ˈmɑːdʒul/ [countable] one of several courses that can combine to form a programme of study, especially at a college or university in Britain; one of a set of separate parts that can be joined together to make a machine or structure (尤指英国大学课程的)单元;组件;配件◆The course consists of ten core modules and five optional modules.这门课由十个核心单元和五个选修单元组成。◆Each student takes five modules.每个学生选修五个单元。◆Ships are now built in modules rather than built in a whole from the base up.现在造船是先做出组件,而不是从船底开始整艘建起来。ⓘ In computing, a module is a part of a computer system or program that has a particular function. 在计算机术语中,module指电脑系统的功能块或程序块◆New software modules include a virtual memory tool.新型软件模块具有虚拟记忆功能。A module is also a part of a spacecraft that can function independently of the main part. * module还指航天器上独立的舱◆Photographs were taken from a lunar module.照片是从登月舱拍摄的。 ■ unit [countable] a single thing, person or group that is complete by itself but can also form part of sth larger 单独的事物(或人、群体);单位;单元◆The cell is the unit of which all living organisms are composed.细胞是构成一切生物的单位。◆The basic unit of society is the family.社会的基本单位是家庭。■ part [countable] a piece of a machine or structure 部件;零件◆Where can I get spare parts for my motorbike?哪儿能买到我的摩托车备用零件?◆Although it is no longer a working watermill, several of the working parts remain.尽管这个水磨已不再使用了,但是一些运作部件仍保存完好。■ piece [countable] one of the parts from which sth is made 零件;组件◆He took the clock to pieces.他把钟拆散了。◆ (NAmE) He broke the clock down into pieces.他把钟拆散了。◆The bridge was taken down piece by piece.那桥被一点一点地拆了。◆She's been doing a 500-piece jigsaw.她一直在拼凑一个500块的拼图。◆There had to be some missing piece of the story.这个故事肯定有一部分缺失了。■ ingredient /ɪnˈgriːdiənt/ / [countable] one of the things from which sth is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish; one of the things or qualities that are necessary to make sth successful 成分;(尤指)烹饪原料;(成功的)要素◆Coconut is a basic ingredient in many curries.椰子是多道咖喱菜的基本原料。◆Our skin cream contains only natural ingredients.我们的护肤霜是用纯天然材料制成的。◆The only active ingredient in this medicine is aspirin.该药唯一的有效成分是阿司匹林。◆Determination is one of the essential ingredients for success.果断是成功的基本要素之一。◆It has all the ingredients of a good mystery story.它具备一个好的玄幻故事的所有要素。◆The magic / secret ingredient is love.秘诀就是爱。■ section [countable] a separate part of a structure from which the whole can be put together 部件;散件◆The shed comes in sections that you assemble yourself.棚房以散件出售,需要自己组装。 machine noun machine ♦︎ engine ♦︎ motor ♦︎ unit ♦︎ appliance ♦︎ contraptionThese are all words for a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. 这些词均表示机器。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a powerful machine / engine / motor◆a modern machine / engine / appliance◆a reliable / defective machine / engine / motor / unit◆an electronic / electric / electrical machine / motor / unit / appliance◆to build / make a machine / an engine / a motor / a unit / a contraption◆to design / use a machine / an engine / a motor / a unit / an appliance◆to operate / run / install / service / switch on / switch off / turn on / turn off a machine / an engine / a motor / a unit / an appliance◆to start / stop a machine / an engine / a motor◆a machine / an engine / a unit / an appliance works / breaks down◆a machine / an engine / a motor / a unit runs / starts / stops / fails / dies◆an engine / a motor / a unit drives sth■ machine [countable](often in compounds) a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. The power used to work a machine may be electricity, steam, gas, etc. or human power. (常构成复合词)机器,机械装置◆Do you know how to operate this machine?你知道如何操作这部机器吗?◆How does this machine work?这部机器是如何运作的?◆a sewing / washing machine缝纫机;洗衣机◆It's a machine for making plastic toys.这是一台制作塑料玩具的机器。◆Machines replaced human labour in many industries.在许多行业中,机器替代了人力。◆The potatoes are planted by machine.这些土豆是机械种植的。ⓘ In informal or spoken English machine can also be used to refer to a particular machine, for example in the home, when you do not refer to it by its full name. 在非正式用语或口语中,machine亦可指特定的一台机器,如在家里指某一电器而不提全称◆Just put those clothes in the machine (= the washing machine).把那些衣服放到洗衣机里就行了。◆The new machines (= computers) will be shipped next month.新计算机下个月推向市场。 see also machinery ⇨ technology ■ engine [countable] the part of a vehicle that produces power to make the vehicle move 发动机;引擎◆Switch the engine off.关掉发动机。◆Their helicopter had developed engine trouble.他们的直升机引擎出了故障。■ motor [countable] a device that uses electricity or petrol to produce movement and makes a machine work or a vehicle move 发动机;马达◆One of the wheels is fitted with an electric motor.其中一只轮子安装了电动机。◆He started the motor.他启动了发动机。◆motor vehicles机动车NOTE 辨析 Engine or motor?Technically, engines use thermal (= heat) energy such as steam, petrol or diesel, and a motor turns electrical energy into movement, for example in an electrical machine such as a washing machine. In everyday language, engine is usually used when talking about vehicles, but people do also use the word motor, especially in the phrase start/turn off the motor or in the term outboard motor (= on a small boat). Motor is also the term used, especially in British English, to describe many things relating to vehicles. 从专业角度说,engine使用蒸汽、汽油或柴油等热能驱动,motor则是把电能转化成动能,洗衣机等电器即属此类。在日常用语中,engine通常指车辆的发动机,但motor亦有此用法,特别是在短语start/turn off the motor(启动/关掉发动机)和术语outboard motor(舷外发动机)中。尤其在英式英语中,motor亦用以描述许多跟汽车相关的事物,而在美式英语中则用automobile◆ (especially BrE) the motor industry / trade汽车业◆ (NAmE) the automobile industry / business汽车业 ■ unit [countable] a small machine that has a particular purpose or is part of a larger machine 装置;机件;元部件◆a waste disposal unit废物处理器◆the central processing unit of a computer电脑的中央处理器◆an air-conditioning unit空调器■ appliance / /əˈplaɪəns/ / [countable] (rather formal) a machine that is designed to do a particular thing in the home, such as preparing food, heating or cleaning (家用)电器,器具◆They sell household appliances.他们出售家用器具。◆We repair modern heating appliances of all types.我们修理各种新式加热器。ⓘ Appliances are typically described as electrical, domestic, household or kitchen appliances. 最常用来描述appliance的词有electrical、domestic、household和kitchen。■ contraption / /kənˈtræpʃn/ / [countable] a machine or piece of equipment that looks strange 奇异的机械;奇异的装置◆She showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish.她给我们看了一个奇怪的玩意儿,样子像碟形卫星信号接收器。 |