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impact noun impact ♦︎ force ♦︎ shockThese are all words for the strength and effect of a blow, crash or explosion. 这些词均表示撞击、震荡、冲击力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆the impact / force of the blow / crash◆the force / shock of the impact / explosion◆the full impact / force of sth◆to feel the impact / force / shock of sth◆to take the impact / force of sth◆to absorb the impact / shock■ impact [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the act of one object hitting another; the strength with which this happens 撞击;冲撞;冲击力◆craters made by meteorite impacts陨石撞击形成的陨石坑◆The impact of the blow knocked Jack off balance.这一记重击把杰克打了个趔趄。◆The bomb explodes on impact (= when it hits sth).炸弹受到撞击就爆炸。■ force [uncountable] the physical strength of sth that is shown as it hits sth else 力;力量◆The force of the blast hurled bodies into the air.爆炸的冲击力把尸体抛向空中。◆She hits the ball with amazing force for someone so small.对像她个子这么小的人来说,她击球的力量可谓惊人。■ shock [countable, uncountable] a violent shaking movement that is caused by an explosion, earthquake or impact (由爆炸、地震或撞击引起的)剧烈震动,强烈冲击◆The shock of the explosion could be felt up to six miles away.爆炸冲击力在6英里之外都能感觉到。◆The bumper absorbs shock on impact.遇到撞击时保险杠能减轻冲击。 |