

单词 olect_admit_1


Admit it! You were terrified! 承认吧!你吓坏了!She admitted to the theft. 她招认了偷窃行为。admit ♦︎ confess ♦︎ own upThese words all mean to say that you have done sth wrong or illegal. 这些词均表示承认过错或罪行。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to admit / confess / own up to sthto admit / confess / own up that... admit (-tt-) [intransitive, transitive] to say that you have done sth wrong or illegal, especially when sb asks you 承认(过错或罪行);(尤指被问到时)招认,招供She refused to admit to the other charges.她拒不承认其他指控。He freely admitted that he had taken bribes.他坦承收受了贿赂。He refused to admit his guilt.他拒不认罪。 (BrE) She admitted theft.她招认了偷窃行为。 (especially NAmE) She admitted to the theft.她招认了偷窃行为。OPP deny deny admission / /ədˈmɪʃn/ /


[countable] an admission of guilt承认有罪He is a thief by his own admission (= he has admitted it).他自己供认是小偷。
confess / /kənˈfes/ / [intransitive, transitive] to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done sth wrong or illegal (尤指正式地或向警方)供认,坦白,承认(错误或罪行)He confessed that he had stolen the money.他承认偷了那笔钱。We persuaded her to confess her crime.我们劝她坦白自己犯下的罪行。After hours of questioning, the suspect confessed.经过几个小时的审问,疑犯终于招供。 confession / /kənˈfeʃn/ /


[countable, uncountable] I have a confession to make-I lied about my age.我有错要承认-我谎报了年龄。His confession was extracted under torture.他是屈打成招的。
ˌown ˈup

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to admit that you are responsible for sth bad or wrong, especially sth that is not very serious (尤指为不严重的错误)承担责任,认错I'm still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages.我还在等着有人承认把东西打碎了。




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