

单词 olect_appetite_0


Don't spoil your appetite by eating between meals. 不要在两餐之间吃东西,以免影响胃口。an appetite for scandal 对丑闻很感兴趣appetite ♦︎ hunger ♦︎ palateThese are all words for the desire to eat food. 这些词均表示食欲、胃口。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to satisfy sb's appetite / hunger appetite / /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ / [uncountable, countable, usually singular] a physical desire for food 食欲;胃口He suffered from headaches, insomnia and loss of appetite.他患有头痛、失眠和食欲不振。She's always had a healthy appetite (= likes to eat a lot, but in a healthy way).她一向胃口很好。Let's go for a walk to work up an appetite.我们去散个步增进食欲吧。Don't spoil your appetite by eating between meals.不要在两餐之间吃东西,以免影响胃口。 hunger [uncountable] the feeling caused by a need to eat 饥饿感;食欲;胃口The meal had not satisfied his hunger.那顿饭他没吃饱。The walkers were weak from hunger.徒步旅行者因饥饿身体很虚弱。 see also hungry hungry NOTE 辨析 Appetite or hunger? Appetite is a positive, healthy desire for food; hunger is a less pleasant feeling. * appetite是积极、健康的食欲,hunger是令人不太舒服的饥饿感。 palate / /ˈpælət/ / [countable, usually singular] (rather formal) the ability to recognize and/or enjoy good food and drink 味觉;品尝力The restaurant offers a menu to tempt even the most jaded palate (= even people who are really bored with the food and drink that is usually on offer).那家饭店提供的菜肴连最没胃口的人也动心。Children do not usually have the sophisticated palate necessary to enjoy such delicate flavours.儿童的味觉通常不够精细,品尝不出这种清淡的味道。




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