

单词 olect_appoint_0


 See also the entry for employ 另见employ条appoint ♦︎ elect ♦︎ name ♦︎ nominate ♦︎ designate ♦︎ co-opt ♦︎ commission ♦︎ vote sb in ♦︎ vote sb into/onto sthThese verbs all mean to officially or formally choose sb for a job, especially an important one, or for a position of responsibility. 这些动词均表示任命或委任要职。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to appoint sb / name sb / nominate sb / designate sb / commission sb / vote sb in as sthto appoint / elect / name / nominate sb to sthto appoint / elect / name / nominate / designate / co-opt sb to do sthto officially / formally appoint / name / nominate / designate sb appoint [transitive] to choose sb for a job, especially an important one, or for a position of responsibility 任命,委任(要职)They have appointed a new principal at my son's school.我儿子就读的学校任命了一位新校长。She has recently been appointed to the committee.她最近获任命为委员会成员。They appointed him (as) captain of the national team.他们任命他为国家队队长。A lawyer was appointed to represent the child.一名律师受任为这个孩子的代理人。OPP dismiss fire verb appointment


[countable, uncountable] Following her recent appointment to the post...在她新近获任此职之后⋯the appointment of a new captain for the England team英格兰队新队长的任命 see also appointment job
elect [transitive] to choose sb to do a particular job by voting for them 选举;推选an elected assembly / leader / representative选出的议会/领导人/代表the newly elected government新当选的政府She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate.她成为第一个获选进参议院的黑人女性。What changes will he make if he gets elected?如果当选,他将进行什么变革?Elect is most often used in political contexts to refer to choosing governments, leaders and representatives, who are chosen by a formal, written vote. * elect多用于政治语境,指通过正式的投票方式选举政府、领导人及代表。 see also election choice 1 , election election electoral


electoral systems / reforms选举制度/改革
name [transitive] to choose sb for a job or position 任命;委任I had no hesitation in naming him (as) captain.我毫不犹豫地任命他为队长。Mr Shah has been named to run the new research unit.沙先生获委任负责领导这个新的研究小组。 nominate / /ˈnɒmɪneɪt; NAmE ˈnɑːmɪneɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to choose sb to do a particular job or task 任命;指派I have been nominated to the committee.我受命成为委员会委员。She was nominated to speak on our behalf.她被指派代表我们发言。 see also nomination choice 1 designate /ˈdezɪgneɪt/ / [transitive] (formal) to choose sb for a particular job or position 选定;指派;委任The director is allowed to designate his / her successor.主任获准选定自己的继任人。NOTE 辨析 Name, nominate or designate? Name is much more frequent, especially in written language. It is often used in business contexts to talk about appointing a new boss, committee member, etc. However, nominate is used when you are talking about a particular task, not a job or position that continues for a period of time. 与nominate、designate相比,name尤其在书面语中较常用,在商务语境中常用来指任命新老板、委员会新成员等。而nominate指的是委派别人执行某项特定的任务,而不是长期负责某项工作或担任某个职位She was named to speak on our behalf. Designate is a formal way of saying name. * designate是name正式的说法。 ˌco-ˈopt [transitive] to make sb a member of a group or committee by the agreement of all the other members (经所有成员同意)增选⋯为委员She was co-opted onto the board.她获增选为董事会成员。 commission / /kəˈmɪʃn/ / [transitive, usually passive] to choose sb as an officer in one of the armed forces 任命⋯为军官He has just been commissioned (as a) pilot officer.他刚获任命为空军少尉。 ˌvote sb ˈin ˌvote sb ˈinto sth ˌvote sb ˈonto sth

phrasal verb

to choose sb for a position by voting for them 投票选出⋯任(某职)He was voted in as treasurer.他当选为财务主管。She was voted onto the board of governors.她获选入董事会。 OPP vote sb out , vote sb out of/off sth see also vote election




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