

单词 bitter
bitter adj.
bitter1 (a bitter taste) bitter2 (bitter feelings) freezing (a bitter wind)


a bitter taste 苦味bitter feelings 痛苦的感情bitter ♦︎ pungent ♦︎ sour ♦︎ acrid ♦︎ sharp ♦︎ acidThese words all describe a strong, unpleasant taste or smell. 这些词均表示味道或气味强烈的、令人不适的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a bitter / a pungent / an acrid / a sharp / an acid taste / flavoura bitter / a pungent / a sour / an acrid / a sharp / an acid smell / odoura bitter / a pungent / an acrid / a sharp scenta bitter / a sour / a sharp / an acid fruita pungent / sharp cheesepungent / acrid smoketo taste bitter / sour / sharpto smell bitter / sharp bitter (of a taste or smell) strong and usually unpleasant; (of food or drink) having a bitter taste (味道或气味)强烈而令人不适的;(食物或饮料)味苦的bitter coffee / chocolate苦咖啡;苦巧克力The drink tasted bitter.这种饮料味苦。This plant is ignored by livestock because of the bitter taste.因为味苦,家畜不吃这种植物。 pungent / /ˈpʌndʒənt/ / (of a smell or taste) strong and usually unpleasant; (of food or smoke) having a pungent smell or taste (气味或味道)强烈而令人不适的;(食物)刺激性的,辛辣的;(烟)呛人的,刺鼻的the pungent smell of burning rubber烧橡胶的刺鼻气味The air was pungent with the smell of spices.空气里充满了各种香料的刺激性气味。 sour (of a taste) bitter like the taste of a lemon or of fruit that is not ripe; (of food or drink) having a sour taste (味道)酸的;(食物或饮料)有酸味的Too much pulp produces a sour wine.过多的果肉会让酒变酸。 OPP sweet Sweet food contains sugar or tastes of sugar. * sweet指食物含糖的、甜的I need a cup of hot sweet tea.我需要一杯加糖的热茶。This wine is too sweet for me.这种葡萄酒对我来说太甜了。 see also sour rotten acrid / /ˈækrɪd/ / (of a smell or taste) strong and unpleasant; (of smoke) having an acrid smell (气味或味道)刺激的,难闻的;(烟)呛人的,刺鼻的The fog was yellow and acrid and bit at the back of the throat.雾的颜色发黄,气味呛人,直刺喉根。 sharp (of a taste or smell) strong and slightly bitter; (of food or drink) having a sharp taste (味道或气味)强烈而略苦的,刺鼻的;(食物或饮料)味苦的,辛辣的The cheese has a distinctively sharp taste.这奶酪味道很冲。 acid (of a taste or smell) bitter, like the taste of a lemon or of fruit that is not ripe; (of food or drink) having an acid taste (味道)酸的;(气味)有刺激性的;(食物或饮料)有酸味的It's a very juicy fruit with a slightly acid flavour.这种水果多汁,味道略酸。NOTE 辨析 Which word? Bitter, sour, sharp and acid are all used more for tastes. Pungent and acrid are used more for smells. A bitter taste is usually unpleasant, but some people enjoy the bitter flavour of coffee or chocolate. You cannot use any other word to describe this flavour. * bitter、sour、sharp和acid多用以形容味道。pungent和acrid多用以形容气味。bitter表示味苦,通常令人不适,有些人却喜欢咖啡或巧克力的苦味,其他词都不能描述这种味道pungent/sour/acrid/sharp/acid coffee/chocolate Sour and acid both describe the taste of a lemon or fruit that is not ripe. Sour is usually a negative term; acid can be negative or simply descriptive. A sharp or pungent flavour is more strong than unpleasant, especially when describing cheese. * sour和acid均指柠檬或未成熟水果的那种酸味。sour通常作贬义;acid既可作贬义,也可作客观描述。sharp或pungent主要强调味道强烈,而非令人不适,在描述奶酪的味道时尤其如此bitter/sour/acrid/acid cheese A pungent smell is usually unpleasant, but some people enjoy the pungent smell of rich, spicy food. An acrid smell is always unpleasant; acrid is not used for the smell of food. * pungent指气味有刺激性,通常令人不适,但有些人却喜欢油腻、调料重的食物的浓烈气味。acrid指气味刺激难闻,总是令人不适;acrid不用于形容食物的气味。


a bitter taste 苦味bitter feelings 痛苦的感情bitter ♦︎ sour ♦︎ resentful ♦︎ acrimonious ♦︎ embitteredThese words all describe people feeling angry and unhappy after a bad experience. 这些词均表示因糟糕的经历而感到愤愤不平、闷闷不乐。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配bitter / resentful about sthbitter / resentful towards sba bitter / a sour / an embittered mana sour / resentful expressiona bitter / an acrimonious debate / dispute / divorce bitter (of people) feeling very angry and unhappy because you feel that you have been treated unfairly; (of situations) full of angry feelings and words (人)愤愤不平的;(状况)怨声载道的He is very bitter about losing his job.他丢了工作,心里很不服气。She bit her lip hard to stop the rush of bitter words.她使劲咬着嘴唇,把到嘴边的刻薄话咽回去了。They are locked in a bitter custody battle over their three children.他们为三个孩子的监护权陷入了一场激烈的争夺之中。 see also bitterness resentment bitterly


They complained bitterly.他们气愤地抱怨。
sour feeling or expressing bitterness or disappointment 阴郁的;闷闷不乐的;沮丧的She was a sour and disillusioned old woman.她是一个心灰意冷、幻想破灭的老女人。The meeting ended on a sour note with several people walking out.数人退场,会议不欢而散。As time went by the marriage turned sour.时日推移,这桩婚姻逐渐产生问题。 Sour is not usually followed by a preposition. * sour后通常不接介词She was sour about it. see also sour influence verb sourly


'Who asked you?' he said sourly.“谁问你了?”他没好气地说。
resentful / /rɪˈzentfl/ / (especially written) feeling bitter or angry about sth that you think is unfair 感到气愤的;憎恨的;愤慨的She was resentful at having been left out of the team.她对于被摈出团队感到气愤。They seemed to be resentful of our presence there.他们好像对我们出现在那里很生气。 see also resent resent , resentment resentment resentfully


He looked at me resentfully.他满怀怨恨地看着我。
NOTE 辨析 Bitter, sour or resentful? Bitter feelings are the strongest and most openly expressed. * bitter所表达的感情最强烈、最公开feeling extremely / intensely / very bitter感到极其/非常/十分痛苦a bitter laugh / smile苦笑If you feel sour or resentful it may be less obvious. * sour或resentful所表达的感情也许没那么明显vaguely / silently resentful略感气愤;生闷气resentful eyes满含怨愤的眼神a sour face阴郁的脸色 Sour especially describes relationships which may go/turn sour. * go/turn sour尤指关系变坏、恶化。
acrimonious /ˌækrɪˈməʊniəs; NAmE ˌækrɪˈmoʊniəs/ (rather formal) (of a situation) angry and full of strong bitter feelings and words (状况)怨声载道的,恶言相向的His parents went through an acrimonious divorce.他的父母在激烈争吵中离了婚。 see also acrimony resentment acrimoniously


The relationship ended acrimoniously.这段关系在怨愤中结束了。
embittered (rather formal, especially written) feeling angry and unhappy about sth over a long period of time (长期)怨愤的,沮丧的,苦恼的He died an embittered man.他含怨而终。


freezing ♦︎ icy ♦︎ snowy ♦︎ wintry ♦︎ frozen ♦︎ bitter ♦︎ frostyThese words all describe sb/sth that is extremely cold. 这些词均表示极冷的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配freezing / icy / snowy / wintry / bitter / frosty weatherfreezing / icy / snowy / wintry / frozen / frosty conditionsa freezing / an icy / a wintry / a bitter windfreezing / icy / wintry / frosty aira freezing / an icy / a snowy / a wintry / a frosty day / night / morningfreezing / icy / bitter colda freezing / an icy / a bitter winterfreezing / icy wateran icy / a snowy / a wintry / a frozen landscapeI'm freezing / frozen.It's freezing / bitter outside. freezing extremely cold; having a temperature below 0° Celsius 极冷的;冰冻的;冰点以下的It's absolutely freezing outside.外面简直太冷了。I'm freezing! Close the window!我要冻僵了!关上窗户!Expect icy roads and freezing fog tonight.预计今晚路面会结冰,还会出现冰雾。OPP boiling hot see also freeze cool verb freezing


It was a freezing cold morning.那是个严寒的早晨。
icy / /ˈaɪsi/ / (especially written) (of weather, air and landscapes) extremely cold; covered with ice (天气或空气)冰冷的,冰冻的;(地貌)覆盖着冰的,结满冰的An icy blast (= of wind) hit them.一阵凛冽的寒风向他们袭来。the icy wastes of the Russian Steppes俄罗斯大草原的冰冻荒原The car skidded on the icy road.汽车在结冰的路上打滑。 icy


The water was icy cold.水冰冷刺骨。
snowy covered with snow; when a lot of snow falls 被雪覆盖的;下雪多的snowy fields / peaks雪野;雪峰a snowy weekend大雪纷飞的周末The weather in January is often cold and snowy.1月的天气往往寒冷又多雪。 wintry (of weather, air and landscapes) very cold and typical of winter (天气、空气和地貌)寒冷的,冬天的,冬令的The weather will turn wintry over the next few days.接下来的几天天气将转冷。There will still be one or two wintry showers (= with snow or sleet) around.还将出现一两场冬季的雨夹雪。She gazed out at the wintry landscape (= with frost and snow).她向外凝视着冬景。NOTE 辨析 Icy or wintry? Icy just means 'extremely cold' and is used especially about wind, especially in literary writing. Wintry suggests snow and frost as well as cold; it is used in literary writing and also in spoken weather forecasts on televsion or the radio. * icy仅表示极冷,尤指风,尤用于文学作品中。wintry除了表示寒冷外,还意味着有雪和霜,既用于文学作品中,亦用于电视或广播的口头天气预报中。 frozen /ˈfrəʊzn; NAmE ˈfroʊzn/ (of people or parts of the body) extremely cold; (of rivers, lakes or landscape) with a layer of ice on the surface (人或身体部位)冻僵的,极冷的;(江河湖泊或地貌)冰封的,封冻的,结冰的My hands are frozen.我的手冻僵了。The surface of the lake is permanently frozen.这个湖的表面是长年冰封的。You look frozen stiff.你看来冻僵了。 see also freeze cool verb bitter (disapproving) (of weather) extremely cold and unpleasant (天气)严寒的,冷得难受的They had no protection against the bitter cold.他们抵御不了严寒。It's really bitter out today.今天户外的确很冷。 frosty (of weather) cold with frost (= when a thin white layer of ice forms on the ground); covered with frost (天气)霜冻的,严寒的;结霜的It was a bright, frosty day.那是晴朗而霜寒的一天。I looked out over the frosty fields.我向外望着结霜的田野。 frost


[uncountable, countable] It will be a clear night with some ground frost.今夜晴,部分地面有霜冻。a sharp / hard / severe frost酷寒




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